Thursday, December 18, 2008

Random thoughts at an airport

So Christmas vacation just started and I am on my way home to see my family and friends that I miss so much! I am way excited!! I got done with finals yesterday and boy was I glad for that... I was averaging about 4 hours of sleep a day which is apparently a lot during finals week but I need my sleep to function at all. I feel I did well and I got a B in my research methods class which I find to be quite the accomplishment! YAY! I have one semester left in my masters program, and as that draws to a close I am excited for my new life... and the changes that will be happening... but at the same time I am extremely scared to have to be a grown up and have a real job. eek. I just want to mention how grateful I am to my friends that I have met at Ball State and all they have done to keep me alive and going when all I want to do is go home... Michelle I am gonna miss you! We will definitely have to visit each other!!! I know this is rambling and probably doesn't make much sense but it's just flowing out of my fingers. :) Everyone have a great Holiday, not matter what you do or don't celebrate, and I love you all!