Thursday, December 18, 2008

Random thoughts at an airport

So Christmas vacation just started and I am on my way home to see my family and friends that I miss so much! I am way excited!! I got done with finals yesterday and boy was I glad for that... I was averaging about 4 hours of sleep a day which is apparently a lot during finals week but I need my sleep to function at all. I feel I did well and I got a B in my research methods class which I find to be quite the accomplishment! YAY! I have one semester left in my masters program, and as that draws to a close I am excited for my new life... and the changes that will be happening... but at the same time I am extremely scared to have to be a grown up and have a real job. eek. I just want to mention how grateful I am to my friends that I have met at Ball State and all they have done to keep me alive and going when all I want to do is go home... Michelle I am gonna miss you! We will definitely have to visit each other!!! I know this is rambling and probably doesn't make much sense but it's just flowing out of my fingers. :) Everyone have a great Holiday, not matter what you do or don't celebrate, and I love you all!


The Lambert Family said...

I am glad you are almost done with school! School is such a pain! Welcome to the real world!

Michelle Heuer said...

Michelle!! I miss you already. I hope your vacation is going well. I'm at home, trying to find is so weird not being in school when everyone else is. You better keep in touch!!!

Michelle Heuer said...

Hey I changed my layout and finally posted again!! you should post too...luv ya!!!

Kim and Phil said...

Hey! So I see that you decided to post something...