Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Soundtrack of My Life!

So I saw this on someone else's blog and I wanted to do it... Unfortunately it didn't turn out so well... But since I wasted the time you get to read it!!! Enjoy!!

So here's what you do. Open your iTunes, or whatever media player you have, set it to shuffle, and as the songs play, you create the soundtrack of your life! NO SKIPPING!!! You have to take what plays! That's what makes it so fun! So have at it!

Here's mine:

Opening credits.................LOUISIANA BAYOU - DAVE MATTHEWS BAND
Waking up.........................WAITING ON THE WORLD TO CHANGE - JOHN MAYER
Average day.......................AMERICAN BABY - DAVE MATTHEWS BAND
First date...........................THE THUNDER ROLLS - GARTH BROOKS
First kiss............................ANTS MARCHING - DAVE MATTHEWS BAND
Falling in love....................PICTURE TO BURN - TAYLOR SWIFT (HAHA)
Love scene..........................THE WORLD I KNOW - COLLECTIVE SOUL
Fight scene.........................HELLO AGAIN - DAVE MATTHEWS BAND
Breaking up........................JUST THE GIRL - THE CLICK FIVE
Getting back together........MY LITTLE GIRL - TIM MCGRAW
Life's okay..........................ONE - U2
Mental breakdown............SHAMELESS - GARTH BROOKS
Driving...............................THE STONE - DAVE MATTHEWS BAND
Learning a lesson..............GIVE PEACE A CHANCE - JOHN LENNON
Deep thought.....................LET YOU DOWN - DAVE MATTHEWS BAND
Flashback..........................GREY STREET - DAVE MATTHEWS BAND
Partying.............................DON'T STOP THE MUSIC - RHIANNA
Regret................................BUBBLE TOES - JACK JOHNSON
Long night alone...............THE DREAMING TREE - DAVE MATTHEWS BAND
Death scene.......................SYMBOL IN MY DRIVEWAY - JACK JOHNSON
Closing credits..................HAVE YOU EVER NEEDED SOMEONE SO BAD - DEF LEPPARD

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